March 11, 2021 Updates

Hello everyone,

It been awhile since I posted. I hope everyone doing well. I’m glad 2021 is starting to be better than 2020. I took the time during this break from social media to grow as a better person. I’m not going to lie. I use to “overshare” my life. I started to enjoy the moment. Don’t get me wrong. I still take tons of pictures but I don’t post them as much as I used too. I started to become a better content creator. I want create video that had meaning. The viewer should be able to find joy, learn, and realized in my video. Most the video I choose to pick are like apiece of myself I want to show to the work. It not just video to go viral. Funny enough… One of my videos did go viral. It was excited for awhile. Then I started to get “trolls”/ “hater”. I actually turn off the comments. It humble me when I started to make my videos. You don’t know what going to go viral which me… I have to choose to but out better content.

I want to take it serious now. I had couple viewer. That send message to me. How my video improved their day. I was so excited. I want to created more “wholesome”/ “advice” video. I know those video help me grow. I want to pass the knowledge on. Thank you for taking the time to read. I hope y’all have amazing day.

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